Dalia Samir
27 Aug 2023
HE Mr. Frank Hartmann the Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany 🇩🇪 and Alexis Below the head of the Economic department at the German Embassy in Egypt
We Hydrogen Egypt (H²Egypt) Khaled Nageib have this morning a very productive meeting with HE Mr. Frank Hartmann the Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany 🇩🇪 and Alexis Below the head of the Economic department at the German Embassy in Egypt to discuss cooperation and support regarding our coming summit Hydrogen Egypt Summit 2023 getting more German companies and stakeholders #greenhydrogen #energytransition #H2global #siemens #igmetall #EU #cleanenergy #lowcarbon #greenenergysolutions #sdgs2030 #sustainabledevelopment #egypt #germany #togetherforimplementation Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH Siemens Energy H2Global Foundation Timo Bollerhey Marco Alvera' Jorgo Chatzimarkakis Malcolm Cook thyssenkrupp Paul Dainora thyssenkrupp Uhde #europe